International Postgraduate Organisation for Knowledge-transfer, Research
and Teaching Excellent Students

IPOKRaTES Students is part of the IPOKRaTES Foundation, an international, non-governmental, non-profit organization which was established in 1984 by Georg Simbruner. Go to ipokrates.info and learn more about the IPOKRaTES Foundation.

The inaugural IPOKRaTES Students Seminar was held in 1994. Since then, medical students have successfully organized and participated in numerous bedside-teaching seminars with teachers from some of the world’s most renowned universities.

At our seminars, students of all semesters (currently from mostly Austria and Germany) come together for a week-long intensive learning experience. We start with the basics: from approaching the patient, Chief Complaint, History of Present Illness, Past Medical History, Physical, et cetera, to efficiently presenting our findings. As soon as everybody is on the same page, we dive in deeper, to learn about and discuss pathophysiology, differential diagnoses, and treatment based on the cases at hand. Our teachers are excellent, dedicated and passionate about delivering a first-class medical education. They predominantly join us from renowned US institutions, pro-bono, in their free time. Together, this enables us to achieve our goal of transfer of knowledge on the highest and most effective level.

Thanks to our organizations ever-expanding and far-reaching network, our seminars have taken place in many cities across Europe. At each location, students (most of them are former participants) volunteer their spare time to organizing seminars. Find out more about our currently active cities here!