
Since 2008, Munich has been the stronghold of IPOKRaTES Students, with regular, yearly seminars. Thanks to this long-running tradition, IPOKRaTES has become a familiar name, especially at the Dr. von Hauner Children’s Hospital and Prof. Dr. med. Dr. sci. nat. Christoph Klein and Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schmidt.

Not only does IPOKRaTES STUDENTS Munich offer great relationships to famous institutions, but also a great place to live. The city itself contains various famous sights – from Marienplatz to the Olympiapark (see above), from the Allianz Arena to the English Garden. Therefore, seminar participants in the past had great fun with the lecturers in the evening after the daily IPOKRaTES session.

Come join us at one of our regular meetings, sign up for a seminar, or organize a seminar – we always welcome new organizers!

For any further questions, email us at

Our Team

Tessa Fangmeier

Impressions from last seminars

Seminar 2024
Seminar 2024

Seminar Spring 2023

Seminar Spring 2023

Seminar Spring 2023

Seminar Fall 2018
Seminar Fall 2018
Seminar Fall 2018