
The heart of the Alps, and located in the home country of our founder Prof. Georg Simbruner, Innsbruck offers a diverse scientific community, an abundance of outdoor and indoor activities, and makes for the perfect location of a successful seminar.

For over 20 years, we have consistently been building our reputation in the departments of internal medicine, pediatrics, and neurology. We supplement our seminars with everything Innsbruck has to offer: early-morning runs, hiking, sledding, bar trivia nights, and trips as far as the Ötzi-Museum in Bozen, South Tyrol.

Understandably you now want to join our team and help organize our fantastic seminars. It’s easy: you can directly email us at

Our Team

Hristofor Parvu
Rafaela Fridrich

Local Mentors

Frank Jagusch

Impressions from previous seminars


David Bante
Sarah Hofbauer
Filipp Sokolovski
Michelle Negle
Valentin Winkler
Anna Hüpper
Rebekka Nagy