Join us

You are a medical student and interested in organizing seminars with us?

Do you want to be part of our awesome family? 


We are always looking for fresh, new talent and are happy to welcome newcomers! Regardless of where you think your talents lie, or whether you are a first or last semester student:  simply send an email to – we will get back to you.

If you are not where we are – no problem: we will still get back to you, and who knows, maybe IPOKRaTES will even come to you.

P.S.: No worries, you are not committing to anything by emailing us 😉

Fund us

Support a future orientated student project and be a partner of the  future doctors.

A successful seminar is not only made possible by the engagement of our students, hosts, and lectures, but also by the generous support from companies and institutions which support us financially.

If you like what we do and would like to support us or become a sponsor: contact us, and we will explore the different options together!